It wasn't a fancy meal, or a well-planned all-natural organic creation.
It was just food, on plates.
Knapins and water cups.
Some ketchup for good measure.
But tonight our meal lasted for what felt like forever, because we sat down and planned our bucket list for the rest of this year, using a simple prompt sheet I had printed four months earlier (with good intentions).

It took us until today, but we did it.
And it was worth every minute of conversation.
We laughed as we brainstormed.
Teased each other.
Cracked jokes.
We opened our minds and hearts to new possibilities.
Shared with each other the things we'd love to see and do.
It filled my soul.
Three hours later all I keep thinking about is this:
We trade time for money,
spend it on piles of accumulation and call it wealth.
We work so damn hard,
exchange it for so little quality family time and call it a life.
We dedicate ourselves to higher education,
then fail to revel in the words of a four year old because we are rushing and distracted.
Our kids need us now.
They need our presence.
Not presents.
They need to sit around a table of people who love them.
They need to SEE US.
Be with us.
Be held by us.
No amount of wealth, no advanced education, not even a burgeoning career can provide for our children what they need right now, as little humans.
They need us.
Their mamas.
Their daddies.
Their aunties and uncles and grandparents and special relatives.
They need time.
A relaxed, positive space to speak openly and honestly about their hopes and dreams.
They need love.
Unwaivering, always-present words which clearly articulate the depth of our affection for them.
They need peace.
Space in their hearts and minds which is uncluttered by accumulation, overscheduling and unrealistic lifestyles driven by must-have brands and toys.
They need so much less then we think they do.
Tonight, over an extra long family
dinner, I was reminded of this.
Don't believe me?
Give your kids more time, more cuddles and more opportunities to speak freely.
You'll see what I see, I promise.
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