Monday, August 21, 2017

The teachings of my soul

Last week I got lost in the busyness of life.
(If I'm being honest, I've been lost most of the summer)

Many of my worst habits... to do lists, late night notes to myself, an overly full calendar.... have come back in full force as I attempt to control my world.

But back to last week.

Last week was a particularly crazy week, one where I literally spent hours preparing for a weekend event that I look forward to every year. I was making phone calls and sending texts, I was confirming rules and considering all angles to ensure the best possible chance for success. 

I'm not even kidding.

Then, the weekend arrives. I was overpacked, my brain was still swimming with all the busy of the week but my heart was happy as I was about to spend my weekend with some of my favourite people.

Then, get this.

Despite my organization, time spent and energy expelled all week, it blew up in my face.
Literally, another human being blew up in my face.


If you know me personally, you know how much I hate conflict.
It makes my skin crawl. 

Call me an idealist, but I like to think that words are powerful enough to deflate most conflicts, and that if we take time to check our perspectives we can almost always see another side of the story.

But this weekend, despite my very best efforts to promote smooth sailing, I hit a massive wave.

I can't even tell you how much it hurt my heart. 


But it happened, and I left feeling unheard, disrespected and totally overwhelmed.
In fact I spent most of my day feeling sick to my stomach.
And it didn't matter how much I prepared, because it didn't help me.


Sometimes life just throws us a curveball. 
Acts in a way which is contrary to every plan, scenario and best practice.
Sometimes we just aren't prepared.

Sometimes no one listens.
Sometimes no one wants to listen.
Sometimes we just can't win.
Sometimes words aren't enough.

And so despite living with an awareness of self, despite my every effort to be kind, speak calmly under distress and build mutual respect, sometimes life just doesn't work that way.

All I can do now, is listen to the teachings of my soul.

It continues to say, love, even when others don't love you.
Breathe deeply and speak calmly when you want to explode.
Love friends like family, because they really are the family you choose.
Fail and keep failing, but never ever stop living with optimism.
Thank those who support you, but appreciate those who do not, for they help you grow.
Remember that faith can heal a hurting heart.
And hugs really do make a tough day better.

And finally, never, ever let another person's opinion of you, become you. 

I am not what you think.
I am what I know, deep inside.

Chin up, heart open and soul bared.

Courtesy Buddha Doodles