I had a really interesting conversation with a friend today.
We were discussing how she and I have both suffered trauma, around fertility and motherhood. We have both endured deep heartache, but for different reasons. Our journeys have taken us along different paths, but we quickly found commonality in the weight of it all.
They are pretty darn heavy.
Like a tote bag strapped awkwardly over our shoulder.
Hanging there, obvious and heavy.
We both agreed that at one time, that bag of heartache ruled us.
We were defined by it.
Owned by the emotional baggage.
We chose to wear it.
We struggled unsuccessfully to adjust it.
We couldn't manage life with or find the energy to carry around that damn bag all the time.
It was exhausting.
We were owned by our heartache.
Our sorrow ran the day.
The past was in charge of our every moment.
Thankfully, somewhere along the way, we realized the bag had to be put down.
Opened up.
Put away.
We realized that we couldn't go on forever.
Managing that bag full of hurt.
Pain and grief.
Lost hopes.
Shattered dreams.
THANK GOD we realized it needed to put it down.
Wrapped in courage, we unpacked the bag.
Scary as it was, as hard as it was.
As long as it took.
And in that bag we found memories worthy of shelf space.
Released the heavy feelings out the window.
Found tiny pieces of silver that made us smile.
And we agreed to never wear that bag again.
Because it did not serve us any longer.
We were not defined by that traumatic time.
That loss nor diagnosis.
We realized that living in the past, hurt us in the present.
Unpacking that heavy bag did not lessen the experience or dishonour the life we were grieving, but rather released us from it's weight on our shoulders and heart.
We became free to live again.
Soar again.
Feel lightness again.
We made space.
Took up distance.
Most of us endure really difficult experiences.
Incomprehensible pain.
Immeasurable grief.
As much as we want to stop, control or remove it from our lives, it's just not possible.
At some point we have to notice the weight.
Make the conscious decision that it is too heavy.
And breathe in the courage to overcome that which is ruling our life.
So please, only carry your bag for a while.
Don't let your every today be weighted by the past.
Please, get help.
Let others assist as you carry that bag.
Take breaks now and again, and let that heartache sit in idle timeout, beside your feet.
When you are ready, unpack the bag.
Find homes for the memories.
Enjoy life once again, holding those little pieces of silver as a reminder of your strength and love.
Thank you, You are awesome. You make our life better.