Today marked a very special occasion...
the end of Brooklyn's first year of after-care protocol.
Today we learned that she is still cancer free.
No evidence of disease.
Her results were PERFECT.
100% perfect.
She has gained 15lbs since her cancerous tumour was removed and sprouted almost 8cm (3 inches) in 11 months. Even her feet have grown nearly two sizes. She looks incredible, healthy and well. She is smarter than ever, working on grade two spelling words and practicing for her dance recital in June.
Her anxiety is manageable.
She is happy more often than sad.
Long, gorgeous hair is growing like mad.
God is good.
My heart is so damn happy.
While waiting for her oncologist to call her in, I took this photo.
With those bright, beautiful eyes of hers, she asked if we could confide in each other. We had made 'wish chip' wishes at lunch time, and she wanted to know if we had the same wish.
I told her the truth.
I wished for a clean scan, cancer free, and no appointments until October.
She looked at me and smiled.
"Me too, Mama."
Then she went back to her toys.
Well, warrior princess, wish granted.
Fuck you, cancer. You cannot bully us for six whole months.
#TeamBrooklyn #WarriorPrincess
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