It's New Year's Eve.
How did that happen?
As I reflect on this last 12 months, I am profoundly grateful.
My children are healthy.
My husband and I are madly in love.
My mother is recovering like a champ from surgery.
I've grown closer to many relatives and in-laws.
Strengthened friendships with beautiful and strong women.
Unconditionally loved an animal despite its flaws.
I'm writing more often.
Meditating regularly.
Walking through my house daily with a greater appreciation for its character and nuances.
I worry less.
I choose my words more carefully.
I choose gratitude over anger.
I've begun a deep dive into my newest writing project, My Journey to Worthy.
For all these discoveries I have become a more mentally healthy woman. I feel as though my soul shines more clearly around my body, that those who I surround myself with have been privy to my most authentic self to date.
Yup, I really feel that way.
And its awesome.
I am very much looking forward to 2016, as it will mark some major milestones... 'big' birthdays, anniversaries and life stages which deserve celebration.
The kind of celebration which leaves you smiling ear to ear.
Where you heart bursts out of your chest with joy.
And your eyes fill with tears of excitement and love.
Bring it, 2016.
You are my Year of Celebration.

This blog was created in 2011 to capture my very personal journey of leaving full time work to become a work-at-home mother of three beautiful children. Naturally, this space has morphed into a place of personal reflection, celebration and sometimes even sadness. I’ve written about childhood cancer, food allergy and anaphylaxis, grief, marriage, friendship, parenting and everything in between, all with a growing sense of mindfulness and gratitude. Please, grab a cup of tea and stay awhile.
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