Well, it's official. My time has come to an end with PenFinancial. Call me a stay-at-home mom. Call me unemployed. Call me broke. Most of all, call me lucky.
Last night I was blessed and very humbled to sit around a table of my peers who came out in my honour. It was so incredible to be surrounded by such good-hearted people, the kind you hope to work with and call your friends. It was a fun night, but one particular moment stuck out the most.
As I was saying goodbye to a co-worker of mine, she told me the story of her daughter's reaction to her attending my going away party. Her daughter, nine years old, said 'Oh, Pam's retiring?' to which my co-worker said, 'No honey, she's going to stay home to take care of Nolan and Brooklyn." Her daughter replied, "They are the luckiest kids to have their mommy home with them."
Wow right. My eyes filled with tears, and so did my co-worker's. What a gentle, yet powerful reminder of how much moms and dads mean to the children they parent. I've more often considered this my personal gain for capitalizing on this special time, these early childhood years. But my co-worker's daughter reminded me that my children are also lucky to have me at their side - through the good and the bad. There is no greater cheerleader than a parent to their child.
I'm not sure I'll be able to properly give thanks to all who have made this transition a positive and uplifting experience. Considering tomorrow is the Oscars, maybe I'll attempt the ever-popular knapkin speech...
First of all, I'd like to thank God, for granting me the serenity to accept the things I could not change, the courage to change the things I could, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Secondly, I'd like to thank everyone at PenFinancial Credit Union. The laughter was infectious, the food was mostly fattening, the conversations enlightening. It truly was a great place to work. A culture entrenched in co-operative, family values which encouraged my personal growth, supported flexibility to raise my family and ultimately empowered me make a positive impact in Niagara.
I'd also like to thank my mentor, she knows who she is, for being an incredible women - at once powerful and caring, kind and incredibly hard-working. Your unwaivering support and friendship were never taken for granted. For all you did, thank you. Much love.
To my family and friends - for the retirement cake and bonbons, the laughter, flowers and supportive conversations. Your strength brought me closer to my ultimate goal. You knew before I did that I needed to step away from my career, yet you never 'took sides.' Instead you let me work through it, listening always and never judging. More than ever I can say with great certainty - family is everything.
To my husband - I quit. Sorry, are you just hearing this now? No really, I've never felt more loved or supported than today. You have no idea how it makes me feel to hear the words 'I am so proud of you for doing this" - and you've said in numerous times in the last few weeks. Love love love. And then some.
Finally, to my kids - Mommy is so very excited. You may not see your friends from school for a long while, but I can promise you many more days of fun, of laughter, and of cuddles. When you are sick - you'll rest in your own bed. When you are hot - we'll jump in our pool together. When you are hungry - we'll find a snack in the cupboard. When you are sad - my arms will wrap around you tightly, and you will know then and forever that nothing cannot be mended in the arms of Mama. xo
So there you have it. Sure wish I had the dress to go with it :)

This blog was created in 2011 to capture my very personal journey of leaving full time work to become a work-at-home mother of three beautiful children. Naturally, this space has morphed into a place of personal reflection, celebration and sometimes even sadness. I’ve written about childhood cancer, food allergy and anaphylaxis, grief, marriage, friendship, parenting and everything in between, all with a growing sense of mindfulness and gratitude. Please, grab a cup of tea and stay awhile.
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