This was a rough week in the Isaak house. Brooklyn got sick Tuesday morning, prompting me stay home from work and care for her, a task with it's perks (let's be honest, the cuddles rock) but inevitably... laundry! After spending most of the day cleaning, bathing, laundering and attempting to feed Miss Sickie, the rest of the family came home. On with dinner, dishes, more laundry, more bathing and ultimately, bedtime. While this isn't an unusual situation for me, I've been battling a back issue which has left me with horrible lower back pain.
When I finally had the chance to sit down, around 8:30pm, I said to my husband, "I just want things to get back to normal." He laughed. "Pam, this is our normal," he said, much to my shegrin. I stewed over that comment for a few minutes, but eventually lost myself in the laughter of terrible American Idol auditions and forgot all about it.
Until 3am. I woke up in intense pain - my back has been giving me major issues this week. As I laid in bed, waiting for the advil to take effect and with an ice pack wedged between my lower back and the mattress, it hit me. He was right (don't tell him I said that). THIS IS OUR NEW NORMAL.
When was the last time I slept the night? Like really closed my eyes at bedtime and never opened them again until the alarm clock went off. I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER.
When was the last time I wasn't scrambling to take care of a sick child? We did have a quiet streak around the holidays (thank goodness). SOMEONE IS ALWAYS SICK IN MY HOUSE.
When was the last time I took care of myself first? Ha! This is humorous. Mama's never go first, it's silly to think any mother would ever put their needs in front of their children's. Not happening. NO WAY.
When was the last time I sat down and relaxed after work, or anytime before 8:30pm? Between meals, dishes, laundry, dogs and the like, the list of 'to-dos' is always longer than the time I have left each night after work.
It took my until now - 11:15am Saturday morning - to write this post. After spending the night cleaning up vomit and managing a high fever, I just tucked Nolan back into bed to (hopefully) sleep off some of these germs.
Huh. Four days late. MUST BE THE NEW NORMAL.

This blog was created in 2011 to capture my very personal journey of leaving full time work to become a work-at-home mother of three beautiful children. Naturally, this space has morphed into a place of personal reflection, celebration and sometimes even sadness. I’ve written about childhood cancer, food allergy and anaphylaxis, grief, marriage, friendship, parenting and everything in between, all with a growing sense of mindfulness and gratitude. Please, grab a cup of tea and stay awhile.
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