The video is about a little boy who lost his lovey, affectionately named 'Ah-Ah', many years earlier on a camping trip with his family. The video explains how his mother randomly searched for 'blue monkey' three years later and managed, somehow, to discover what appeared to be Ah-Ah. She had it shipped to her and her husband taped their son's reaction to rediscovering something so precious.
I dare you not to cry.
This video reminded me of something I chose to do earlier than most - introduce a lovey - to my infants. As soon as N and B could reach and grasp something they were laid to rest with something to help comfort them in times of need.
N's lovey is named Blue. A bunny of small stature, Blue's a little more brown than blue these days, but he's oh so special to my son. I once searched all over the place for a second Blue (in similar fashion to the mom's story in the video) but I never did find an exact replica. I did overspend on what I thought was a replacement, but sadly N knew it wasn't Blue, so Donny became another 'friend' to sleep with, but not a replacement.
B's lovey is named Ya-Ya. We had initially called her Lolly, a tribute to my favourite lovey growing up. My dear neighbour and long-time family friend bought Ya-Ya for B when she was born simply because it reminded her of my Lolly doll. My neighbour was also so amazing that once she knew B loved her Ya-Ya, she purchased a SECOND one for me. I rotate them out regularly, the second Ya-Ya stays hidden in her closet in case of emergency. Such a great lesson learned the second child around!
Lovies are a quintessential part of childhood, and in our house a part of infancy as well. I know all the warnings and stories about removing toys from infant sleeping areas, but seriously, once a baby can lift its head and hold something, how nice to offer them an instant support tool when they wake up for a midnight feeding or early in the morning.
Here's a photo of B with Ya-Ya and N with Blue.
A photo from our spring 2012 vacation - B doesn't use a soother anymore but Ya-Ya and Blue remain!
I gave my daughter a "baby" soft toy when she was an infant (and purchased a second baby, rotating them out just like you did)... unfortunately about a year ago she discovered the second baby and now ever since then she has to have BOTH babies with her every night :P