Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Here stands the good

I remember the day, the hours, the moments.

We believe she has cancer.
We must do more tests.
She requires chemotherapy.
We need to move quickly.

I remember that afternoon, in the OR.
Desperately trying to calm her.

She was screaming at the doctors.
Name calling.

Pure terror.

I remember holding her.
Down to the bed.

Begging her to calm down.
Telling her she would be ok.

I remember.
I can't forget.

On Monday, I was fortunate to experience this.

Brookie as she boarded the boat for OuR Island, Camp Trillium.

My beautiful girl.
Healthy now, and two years older.
So wise and mature.
Yet so young and unknowing.

I want to go.
I can do this alone.
I'm not nervous.

Off she went.
To camp.

The girl who held me so tightly, two years ago, is now free.

Free to grow.
Free to trust others.

It's such a beautiful gift, and such an amazing new memory to hold.

Next to the bad, here stands the good.
The opportunity.
Her life.

My God, we are so blessed.