Dear Soul on Fire,
I see you.
I noticed the way you radiated heat, today.
Burnt soul, scorched heart.
Your soul is angry and hot, afraid to consider this new life.
You cannot change it. Push on it. Ignore it.
Though you cannot look at me, I know you are hurting.
Your soul is crushed by the newness of your situation.
Despite your best efforts to avoid it, you landed right there.
Deep inside your soul.
And angry.
I know that you feel lost.
Wondering what the world thinks now.
I know that you didn't want it to be this way.
That you never imagined it could happen to you.
Or your greatest loves.
But here you are.
I see you.
I notice your hesitation to speak freely, for fear of sounding weak.
I know you are exhausted and entangled.
It's not supposed to be this hard.
But you are not alone.
I see you.
And suffering is part of our shared humanity.
For I am suffering too.
And I, too, am scared to speak.
But even in the silence, I think of you. Pray for you. Hope for you.
I see you.
We cannot change this journey, but know with brave hearts, it can be endured.
We cannot become so self-consumed that we land in the very situation we fought so hard to solve.
We cannot quit.
We cannot stop trying.
The fire within creates conditions for our own greatness.
New life. Soul's growth.
The fire within begs us to rise.
To stand tall, hearts fully engulfed and exposed for all to see.
Our souls were made for this.
We will endure.