Sometimes it's dark and heavy.
Other times it's quietly casting shadows.
But it's there.
It's an interesting emotion. One I didn't always view as such.
Sometimes it looked like anxiety. Or anger. Or sadness.
Deep down, though, at the root of all those other emotions was simply fear.
Father Fear as I like to call it.
The one that has existed forever.
The one I rarely question.
It's so deeply rooted in my life experiences it becomes truth.
I am honestly scared to walk alone, day or night.
I am afraid that any depressed person I know will consider suicide.
I hear the word cancer and I cannot breathe.
Big Father Fear.
Paralyzing, heart pounding, dream squashing fear.
Why do I let it win?
Why don't I question it?
Since when does fear trump passion? faith? love?
Truth is, I don't have the answer.
But I know this:
Fear + Courage = Progress
Just last week, for the first time ever, Brooklyn met a big, ongoing medical fear, and showed great courage. She breathed, remained calm and believed she could. And she did.
Major progress.
Five years ago, scared out of my mind, I left my full time job to spend more time with my children. I found courage to let go of assumptions and ideals and the opinions of others. Thanks to a courageous heart, I have spent the last five years amassing time and memories with my children, without a single regret.

So now, it's time.
To have courage, once again.
All of us.
To really live our lives.
Love our here and now.
Engage our passion.
Make our perfect moment.
Manage without the money. time. guarantee.
Embrace the nonlinear path.
Find our courage.
Stay calm.
Have faith.
And love.
The only way to beat Father Fear, is to embrace him.