I tidied the closet and shut the door, acutely aware of the cute little jackets hanging inside.
I locked the door and slid the deadbolt in place, feeling grateful for my safe and secure home.
I walked up the stairs, into the bathroom to brush my teeth. My toothbrush was touching my husband's brush, and my immediate thought was how lucky I felt for the gift of his love each and every day.
Gratitude strikes me in unique moments;
When my oldest shows off his latest Lego creation, I watch his long eyelashes bounce around as he excitedly recalls the moment he found the missing piece he needed for completion.
As I settle into my daughter's bed for story time, I am drawn to her little fingers as they methodically move from word to word, page to page, determined to read to me, and not the other way around.
When my wee man, hot from crying, asks for a hug, I am overcome with joy that even a two year old realizes the value of human touch.
This is the gift of mindfulness.
It feels very much like gazing at a cherished photograph, perhaps a milestone moment, which instantly transports your body to a place of warm hearts and wide smiles. This gift, mindfulness, has released me from many of my daily fears, strengthened my soul in times of difficulty and, above all, has filled my spirit with deep affection for those most important to me.
“In mindfulness one is not only restful and happy, but alert and awake.
Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality.” - Thích Nhất Hạnh
Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality.” - Thích Nhất Hạnh
Try tuning in to your surroundings, to the mundane and busy moments that fill our every day lives. Notice the smells, noises, little eyes and careful notes left by your family, peers and mentors. Mindfulness will refocus your eyes on the love, hope and acceptance readily available to all of us.