As most of you know, its been a wild and crazy year both personally and professionally. I've struggled to feel grounded, worried late into many evenings and have sat in the same room as my kids, yet completely disconnected from them, more times than I am willing to admit.
Here's what I've learned.
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we simply cannot control our life.
Sometimes, regardless of our deep desire for change, it's simply not possible.
Sometimes, even with the greatest regard for prayer and reflection, we wake up feeling exactly the same way as the day prior.
Sometimes we just need to be reminded:
We can do hard things
To my mom, fighting a mean autoimmune blood disorder that isn't responding to treatment:
You can do hard things.
To my girlfriends, struggling with wee little bebes who doesn't sleep, mothers gone to heaven and blended families:
You can do hard things.
To my BFFs, struggling with bad news, transition and life's uncertain path:
You can do hard things.
We can do hard things.
We can.
And we will.
For we possess love, grace and beauty.
And we have been given the gift of each other.