Two years of freelancing and it's become apparent to me, it's all in the transitions.
You see, life as a work at home parent is much more complicated than when I worked full time. It used to be drop off kids - 8 to 10 hours of work - pick up kids from day care. Hard, yes, but hindsight now highlights the straightforwardness of that lifestyle.
In my world, a 'work day' is more like 13 to 18 hours...
Kids to drop off.
Race to a meeting.
Kids to pick up two hours later.
Prep dinner.
Nurse baby.
Get to class. Teach all afternoon.
Kids to keep busy.
Calm crying child.
Listen to snoring husband.
Throw a couple of loads of laundry in there, maybe a few nursing sessions and even the odd unannounced neighbour visit and I'm telling ya, life is waaayyy busier than I ever imagined.
The most difficult part of any given day is transitioning from mom to teacher to professional to mom to wife to mom again. Sometimes, in just one hour, I am expected to pick up two kids with the baby in tow, get lunch on the table, eat, nurse a baby, prep the crockpot for dinner, make myself up to look appropriate for the classroom and get out the door without losing my mind. I'm not going to lie, it's a certified gong show most days.
Then I remember the hummingbird. The beautiful, free flying bird who is different than most. Able to fly forwards and backwards, that little beauty works hard, stays focused and enjoys sweetness along the way.
I am grounded.
This is my path.
Each day is meant to be.
Each challenge a lesson.
Hugs, kisses and cuddles are my sweetness to be enjoyed.
I am a hummingbird.
I'm very proud to celebrate two years of this exhausting, yet incredibly satisfying lifestyle as a freelance work-at-home parent of three gorgeous little people. Truth is, without my village I'd never have made it. To all my supportive family members and friends, thank you. Thank you for cheering me on, putting my dirty dishes in the sink, making me laugh, letting me cry and most of all, for loving me and my children every single day of the last two years.
And to you, my dear husband. I love you.
And your snoring.
Every single day for the rest of our lives.
This last year has made us stronger, a little chubbier and most of all grateful for each other's loving arms and snuggles.
I wouldn't... no couldn't, do this with anyone else.

This blog was created in 2011 to capture my very personal journey of leaving full time work to become a work-at-home mother of three beautiful children. Naturally, this space has morphed into a place of personal reflection, celebration and sometimes even sadness. I’ve written about childhood cancer, food allergy and anaphylaxis, grief, marriage, friendship, parenting and everything in between, all with a growing sense of mindfulness and gratitude. Please, grab a cup of tea and stay awhile.