I've fallen off the 'map' so to speak, with more than one of my dearest relationships. Suffice to say it's been an incredible ride these last two months... September and early October brought me two major event-related projects that ate massive amounts of my personal time. Personal time is a bit of a joke as it is, as my decision to be home with my kids was a conscious trade-off of my time for more intimate family time on a daily basis. More kids, less mommy.
My hubby can vouch for me. I've spent more time working away on my computer, as well as away from my kiddies at meetings, than I ever imagined possible in such a short time span. As a work-at-home mother I knew these days would come, I just didn't imagine having to do it with a secret level of exhaustion.
I know this exhaustion well. It's the fall-asleep-while-watching-cartoons-with-the-kids, can't-get-my head-off-the-pillow-in-the-morning, begging-for-a-nap kind of exhaustion. It compounds by the day, then week, then month. It leaves my brain foggy, my eyes rounded with dark circles and my body absolutely terrified to do anything at all but sit still.
I know this exhaustion well because I've done it twice before.
This exhaustion is the most beautiful, blessed kind of suffering.
It's first trimester exhaustion.
Jay, Nolan, Brooklyn and I are VERY EXCITED to announce that we're expecting baby #3 next May!!
Please forgive me if I've fallen off the map these last few months. I gave every last moment of energy to paid projects and let the rest fall away... survival mode I guess...
God has blessed our family in a way I never dreamed was actually possible. My prayers of thanks and tears of joy haven't stopped since the moment we found out we were expecting...
Luckiest. Family. Ever.

This blog was created in 2011 to capture my very personal journey of leaving full time work to become a work-at-home mother of three beautiful children. Naturally, this space has morphed into a place of personal reflection, celebration and sometimes even sadness. I’ve written about childhood cancer, food allergy and anaphylaxis, grief, marriage, friendship, parenting and everything in between, all with a growing sense of mindfulness and gratitude. Please, grab a cup of tea and stay awhile.