Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What's the worst case scenario?

I was at a meditation class last month where we talked about fear.

Discussed the way fear can rule our life.
Create unhealthy habits.
Build anxiety.

Fear is one of those feelings that doesn't go away.
It lingers.

Wakes you up at night.
Follows you around all day

The voice of fear is loud.
It bullies you with its scary messages.

Often difficult to manage, fear has the ability to control us.

Our thoughts.
Our health.
Our body.

I have learned this year to notice when fear is present.

My body tenses up. Becomes achy.
My mind races.
I struggle to relax.

For my kids, fear presents itself with a strong need for extra hugs.
Cuddles at bedtime.
Tearful outbursts.

A question was posed, at meditation that night.
What's the worst case scenario?
If I dug to the greatest depth of the trance of fear, what is the worst possible outcome?

Truth is, I cried when I was honest with myself.
Brooklyn's death is my worst fear.
Seeing cancer take her from me is my greatest fear.
Every. single. day.

But wait.
The interesting thing about this exercise is that since I was honest with myself, I have felt less weighted in this fear. The truth helped me realize how much this fear was ruling my every thought and movement throughout the day.

I am now trying to meet this fear with love and courage.
Faith in God.
Radical acceptance.

It's damn hard.
But it's possible.

So, next time you feel fearful, ask yourself:
What is the worst case scenario?
Dig deep, keep asking 'so what' until you really get to the root cause.

You might be surprised how much relief you find in exploring the answer.

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