Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stress? I'm not stressed!

I really thought I was handling this transition quite well. Stress is not a word I would use to describe how I've been feeling. Cranky. Low on patience. Tired. Those would be more accurate.Then Jay asked me this week - are you stressed? Huh, I thought. Am I missing something here? The twitching in my eye. My weak lower back. My sudden weight gain. DUH. I am SOO stressed. How did I let it creep up so far on me?

As always, I was so caught up in my worry that I didn't realize it was now expressing itself in a very physical way. Recent worries include what to get my little nephew for his first birthday (IN MARCH), booking our rental car for Florida (IN MARCH) and... wait for it... where we should go while in Orlando (CLEARLY IN MARCH).

Money. Ah. The root of all evil. I've been sub-conciously worrying about the pending loss of my income by trying to plan ahead for expenses now. Good idea. Not so easy when we've just spent $1400 on fixing both our vehicles in the last two weeks. Oh and our stove died a week before Christmas.

Lesson learned. Let the penny pinching begin.

Is this where my New Year's resolution fits in? LET THE WORRIES GO.

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